You’ve put a lot of effort into building your skills. Shouldn’t you be able to leverage them into a great job? It all depends on being able to communicate them effectively. Here are a few tips that can help you present your skills in the best possible light and convince the hiring manager that you are the best possible candidate to be their next hire.
Focus on their needs
Like anyone, employers’ top focus is “what’s in it for me?” Businesses have problems to solve and hire people to solve them. When you’re talking about your skills, focus on what you bring to the table for them, not how great you are. Was your last employer able to take on a new project because you are such a fast, accurate welder? Did you improve operational efficiencies by reorganizing the office? Talk about the difference you have made and what you can do for them.
Show How Your Skills Transfer
If the job you’re interested in is not exactly like your prior experience, it’s up to you to draw a straight line from your abilities to requirements in the job post. Soft skills are essential to employers, too, so be sure to also share if you have exceptional communication skills, work well as part of a team, or have a positive impact on morale. Be prepared to share concrete examples.
Share How You Adapt to Change
In every business, change is inevitable. Employers look for people who can take on new challenges or pivot as the market changes. If you have learned some of your critical skills in response to market demands, be sure to mention that as well as your love of lifelong learning to continue building your skills. Interviewers often ask behavioral questions, those that begin something like “Tell me about a time when you…” Whenever possible, use examples that focus on the skills you wish to highlight.
Looking for Jobs Where You Can Use Your Skills?
If you need help finding a job that makes the most of your skills, partner with the professionals at Mega Force. We have opportunities requiring a variety of skill sets in many different industries and specialties. Contact us today to get started.