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Are You Fit For The Job? 5 Good Research Practices While Job Hunting

Finding the job that is perfect for you can be quite a daunting task. New job seekers, because of their inexperience in today’s workforce, are especially at a disadvantage when it comes to locating the right opportunity. However, they do have the advantage of a skill set that is versatile, impressionable and prime for refinement. Regardless of your experience level, researching the types of jobs you are after, including general responsibilities, potential wages and even a company’s mission statement, is a great way to ensure that you make a strong first impression and land the job that is perfect for you.

Online Research

Given the popularity of personal computers and the accessibility of the Internet today, there’s simply no excuse for entering the job hunt unprepared. Job seekers should take full advantage of the online resources available to them, including company websites, industry-specific blogs and local job boards. Navigating to a company’s website before approaching your interview will allow you to familiarize yourself with a company’s mission statement, organizational values and even their local reputation, which can also go a long way in determining if a specific organization is right for you.


Networking amongst friends and colleagues, either online or in person, is a great way to find out more about a specific company or industry. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of those with more experience than you, especially if they have experience in an area that you are interested in. Networking amongst your peers is a great way of opening up doors that you never even knew existed, which may even lead to the dream job you’ve been searching for all this time.

Mock Interviews

While it may seem humorous, or even downright silly, recruiting a friend to conduct a mock interview prior to the real thing is a great way to research the interview process. This is especially true for those who are new to the workforce or re-entering the job market after extended time away. Ideally this would be a friend who is familiar with the type of job you are seeking or one who participates in the interviewing and hiring process at their own job, but anyone who has been through a successful interview can help in a pinch.

Local Classes and Workshops

Enrolling in local classes, workshops or lessons that pertain to the type of work you are seeking can go a long way in solidifying the skills and knowledge needed for the position before even stepping foot in the workplace. Moreover, these specialized classes can usually be cited on your resume as additional training, which may just be enough to get your foot in the door after your next interview.

Collegiate Resources

There are a plethora of resources available to you if you are a current college or university student. While some of these are available to the general public, most educational institutions have a devoted career services department that can help students locate a job that fits their specific skill set and qualifications.

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