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Keep Your Employees Focused on Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is one of the top concerns of any employer today, especially among those within the manufacturing sector. With so much heavy equipment and automated hardware in use on a daily basis, it’s paramount that your employees are well-versed in the safety procedures that are specific to their workplace. Thankfully, there are a number of methods an employer can use in order to make sure that safety comes first.

Provide Appropriate Training

Although some employees may join your organization with a certain amount of safety knowledge and training to their credit, it never hurts to brief them on the specific safety concerns that are associated with their day-to-day job responsibilities. Furthermore, something as simple as a quick refresher course can go a long way in ensuring the safety of your workforce.

Some employers even include a simplified user manual with each machine. This documentation should highlight any safety plans, the location of any emergency shutoffs and other pertinent information. However, such documentation shouldn’t be overly complicated. These manuals are meant as a brief overview of how to safely operate a machine, rather than providing detailed technical specifications.

Plan for Emergencies

Regardless of how well-trained and knowledgeable your staff is, accidents do happen and incidents do occur. As such, it’s important that you have an established protocol in the event of an emergency. Make sure all of your employees are familiar with any and all exit routes and, if viable, educate them on how to care for minor or common injuries. Finally, ensure that your entire staff is aware of the location of any safety equipment, including fire extinguishers or emergency wash stations, and that they all know how to use such equipment.

Utilize Signs, Posters and Billboards

Signs, posters and even billboard postings provide an excellent means of spreading safety awareness throughout your workplace. While there are many generic signs and posters available to the manufacturing industry, customized signs are inexpensive and, generally speaking, are usually more effective than those that are mass produced.

When posting signs or banners around the workplace, make sure that they are placed in locations that are highly visible to your entire staff. Lobbies, cafeterias and break rooms are all excellent choices that are sure to get your message across.

Offer Incentives

Offering safety-based incentives is a great idea when it comes to promoting a safe working environment. Monetary rewards are always embraced by employees, but there are other types of incentives as well. Additional vacation time, flexibility in day-to-day scheduling and even promotions can all be used to foster and cultivate a safer workplace.

When offering an incentive, make sure to do so in a way that is a fair to all employees. A good way to do this is to track safety metrics as a group, or several smaller groups, rather than on an individual basis. Finally, make sure to communicate any such metrics as well as the incentives you are offering directly to your employees. This can be done through group meetings, one-on-one consultations or even through company newsletters.

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