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Improve Employee Engagement to Improve Retention

Employee engagement and retention are two of the biggest challenges faced by today’s employers. Given the highly competitive job market, as well as an increasing desire for workplace freedom and flexibility from today’s progressive workforce, it can be difficult to keep top talent interested in their job and excited about your brand.

There are a number of steps you can take in order to bolster employee engagement and improve the retention rates of your company. While the techniques here might not work in every scenario, they can at least serve as launching points for your own ideas, strategies and theories behind employee engagement and retention in the 21st century.

Utilize Continual Reviews

Many employers use annual employee reviews as a means of monitoring their staff’s productivity over a long-term basis. While this is a great method that is capable of producing quantifiable results, it’s not exactly the most accurate strategy. Instead, try to devote time to administering continual employee reviews.

By examining your employees’ productivity every two or three months, you might be able to uncover additional bottlenecks, shortcomings or areas of improvement that can be addressed and resolved. Moreover, the use of continual reviews ensures that your employees have plenty of opportunities to provide their own feedback and express their individual concerns in a private, one-on-one format.

Create a Fun and Exciting Culture

Today’s jobseekers, especially millennial workers, crave fun and excitement in their personal lives as well as their careers. It’s important that employers try to accommodate this environment by creating and instilling a strong, fun and exciting company culture. This is achievable through a variety of methods, including company-sponsored fundraisers, organized recreational activities, community service and more.

Whatever methods you decide to use, make sure to advertise and promote your culture throughout the workforce. Too many companies put forth a great deal of effort in order to create a unique and exciting culture, only to see it fail simply because their employees didn’t even know it existed.

You might also consider implementing a reward system for your most productive employees. Rewards can be as simple as additional vacation time or as extravagant as an all-expenses paid trip. Not only is this a surefire way to bolster productivity on a short-term basis, but it can have a huge impact on long-term employee engagement and retention, too.

Make Yourself Available to Employees

Welcoming input and making yourself available to employees as much as possible is one of the most effective methods of strengthening engagement and retention among your team. You can start by implementing an “open-door policy,” if you don’t already have one, which provides your employees with direct access to you or another supervisor. Maintaining an open-door policy is a great way to let your staff members know that their voices are being heard.

If you are unable to maintain regular office hours, try to make yourself available via email or social networking. This simple act can go a long way when it comes to increasing your availability and strengthening your professional team.

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