You’re a week into a job you’d worked months to land. You did your homework, nailed the interview, and got the call. And now that you’re actually on the job, you’re thinking, “Oh no; what have I done?”
Call it “new hire’s remorse”: the immediate feeling that you made a mistake when you accepted a job offer. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone – YesElf reports that 30% of new hires leave their job within the first six months. On the other hand, you don’t want to cut and run, only to regret not sticking it out down the line. With that in mind, here are three things to do if you don’t like your new job.
Give It Time
Take a breath. There might be a logical reason you’ve gotten a bad first impression of life with your new employer, and it may be as simple as a bad orientation experience. A Gallup study showed only 12% of employees strongly agreed their employers did a great job with the onboarding process. On the other hand, you could be experiencing normal discomfort that comes with adjusting to a new environment and new responsibilities. Give yourself time to get into a groove.
Ask Yourself ‘Why?’
If, after getting acclimated, you still hate your job, do a self-inventory. Try and nail down what specifically bothers you about your job. Are your responsibilities not what you thought they’d be? Are you experiencing conflict with certain colleagues? Do you need more training or resources to be more productive? All these problems can be addressed – and probably solved – by having an honest conversation with your boss. On the other hand, if your biggest problem is with your boss – and a Gallup study suggests 75 percent of employees leave their job because of their boss, and not the job itself – then perhaps it is time to consider other options.
If You Need to Leave, Do It Graciously
If you decide the best move for you is to leave your job, you can do it with class. Exiting with grace and respect for your current employer may not just be a matter of etiquette; you may need the connections at the job you’re leaving at some point. Give your manager at least two weeks’ notice, and be honest, polite, and positive during your exit interview.
Mega Force Can Help You Find a Better Fit
If you’re looking for a job you’ll love, MegaForce can help. We work with top employers in conjunction with employment agencies in Fayetteville and throughout North Carolina for your convenience. Contact our team today or browse our online job search portal.