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Searching for a Job on Your Phone? 4 Hacks to Help!

As more consumers are now conducting their business on the go, it’s easy to see why one would use their smartphone to search for a job. Not only is it a useful device in general, it’s also something that most of us carry on a daily basis. As such, it is easy to respond to new job offers and opportunities as they arise. However convenient your smartphone may be, there are a few hacks you can take advantage of in order to make the job-seeking process that much easier.

1. Update Your Social Media Profiles

The first thing you’ll want to do is update all of your social media profiles. LinkedIn is especially important, as it’s currently one of the most popular sites for career-oriented networking.

Whether or not you’ll want to use personal profiles from other sites is up to you, just make sure they’re appropriate for a professional business setting. If not, you may want to consider setting these profiles to private in order to hide them from any potential employers or future business partners.

2. Set Notifications and Alerts

Next, set some notifications or alerts to receive updates when new jobs and opportunities are posted on your favorite sets. There are a number of different methods to accomplish this, depending on your smartphone or mobile device, but it’s usually a rather straightforward process.

3. Find Apps to Make the Process Easier

Although you might be used to scrolling through pages on your personal computer or laptop, mobile devices, especially smartphones, make it difficult to scroll through multiple pages of content. As such, seek out some apps to help with the job-seeking process.

There are a number of different apps available for both iOS, Android and Windows-based devices. Some of the most popular apps on the market today include LinkedIn Job Search, Indeed Job Search, Monster, Simply Hired, CityHour, Jobaware, Reach and many more.

4. Upload Your Resume

Finally, make sure to have an updated copy of your resume and cover letter that you can access at any time. Some job seekers prefer to keep this document saved on their phone, which provides an added layer of security against prying eyes.

Alternatively, you can upload your resume to one of the many online drives that are available today. These sites let you access your online documents from any device and from any location, which can be a lifesaver in the event that your cell phone runs out of battery power, if you can’t get reception or in any other disaster scenario. Some popular options include Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive, all of which offer free and paid plans.

The Future of Job Hunting

While it may seem odd to search for your next job on your cell phone, it’s something that is becoming even more common with every passing day. Furthermore, as employers become more tech-savvy themselves, we’re bound to see the job-seeking process take its own technological turn.

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