A few weeks ago, we ran an article about 2022 hiring trends. One of those trends was developing multiple recruiting channels and ensuring they all aligned with your company’s brand. One trick of the trade for social media and other cyber-friendly channel is hashtagging.
You may think of the hashtag as something Twitterers use as a conversational gimmick. It’s not; rather, it’s a powerful tool businesses can use for purposes including recruiting, marketing, and much more.
Defining the Hashtag
Think of a pound sign on your telephone. That symbol, which these days is more often as a hashtag – especially among younger demographics. It looks like this: #recruitment. Whatever word or phrase follows the hashtag is a relevant concept to the rest of the post. And when you click it, if you’re on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, you’ll automatically start a search for other posts that have the hashtag as part of the content. For users of these platform, it can be a way to see content in several different ways – with the aim of getting the information they need as quickly as possible.
How to Use a Hashtag
You should already have corporate accounts on one or more of these channels. If not, talk with your communications team! Now, let’s say you want to recruit for a welder. You can post a great job listing on LinkedIn or Facebook, but how can you increase your post’s visibility. At the end of the post, include some hashtags like #JobSearch, #NowHiring and #WeldingJobs. Now, anyone who clicks on one of those hashtags in another post, or when they first arrive at the channel, will get a list of posts that have the hashtag in question – including yours!
Dos and Don’t’sDon’t’s of Hashtagging
- DO feel free to insert as many hashtags as you want under the post, with one caveat: Savvy internet job seekers expect to see a flood of hashtags on Instagram, because Instagram posts usually feature images, not text. On the other hand, dumping a ton of tags on a Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn will overwhelm users and send them looking elsewhere.
- DON’T succumb to the pressure to sprinkle in “cute” or “snappy” hashtags. Candidates generally aren’t looking for snarky companies. Instead, make your hashtags simple, logical and informational.
- DO make your hashtags accessible. People with visual disabilities may be viewing job postings through a Web reader. Using multiword phrases as hashtags is fine for these audiences, but be sure to #CapitalizeEachWord. That way, when the reader gets to your tag, it will separate into individual capitalized words. Otherwise, the web reader might have a hard time, and a candidate can get frustrated.
Looking for More Hiring Help?
Partner with a premier staffing agency in Fayetteville, NC, like Mega Force to help you meet your needs. We help employers in North Carolina connect with dependable candidates. Whether you have a time-sensitive need or you’re just wanting to give your current recruiting efforts a boost, start here to learn how we can help.